Ocean Container Shipping Rates: Things You Should Know

Cargo shipping is one of the world’s most important transportation modes. Not only does it help businesses get their products to the right place at the right time, but it’s also crucial for items that must cross multiple borders. So what are some factors to consider when determining the best ocean container shipping rates?


What is Ocean Container Shipping Rate?


Many factors, including the size and weight of the cargo, the port of departure, and the port of arrival, determine ocean container shipping rates.




Factors that Affect Shipping Rates


When shipping goods by container, there are a few things to remember. The first is the shipping rate. These can vary based on the type of container and where it’s going.


Here’s a look at some of the most common ocean container shipping rates:


Container Weight

The weight of the container is one of the main factors that affect shipping rates. Lighter containers travel further and are cheaper to transport than heavier containers. That is because lighter containers require less fuel and human resources to move them, which translates into cheaper costs per mile.



Shipping rates also vary depending on where the cargo is being shipped to. For example, East Coast ports charge higher rates than West Coast ports due to the greater logistical challenges associated with moving cargo across the country. Additionally, certain countries have preferential shipping rates with specific countries due to bilateral trade agreements or treaty obligations.


Cargo Type

Another factor affecting shipping rates is what kind of cargo is transported inside the container. For example, dry goods (like food) are more expensive to transport than liquids or semi-permanent items (like furniture). Furthermore, heavy items cost more than light items, and packages destined for high-traffic areas (like Florida) will typically cost more than those destined for low-traffic areas (like Maine).





Danspeed Global is a leading logistics company providing world-class container shipping services to businesses and consumers worldwide. We offer competitive rates and a wide range of shipping options, including ocean, air, and Amazon FBA shipping. Contact us to learn more!

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